
Remember that story about a homeless man who spent his last $20 for a woman stranded when her car ran out of gas? Well, a report suggests that the entire story was made up as a get rich quick scam!

Black politicians are trying to save the Democratic Party from self-destruction.

For the past 10 years Michelle Obama and her husband, current former President Barack Obama have been the epitome of #RelationshipGoals for many reasons, one of which includes how lovingly they each speak about one another.

Here’s what you want to hear the week before Thanksgiving….there’s a salmonella outbreak in turkeys that has infected about 164 people as of November 8th. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there is 1 reported death related in California Experts have to advise people to let the turkey thaw out in the refrigerator […]

President Barack Obama’s signature program, “My Brother’s Keeper,” is moving forward with its mission to uplift and empower Black boys and young men of color — and with a renewed sense of purpose.

White people calling the cops on Black folks for no good reason isn’t anything new, but thanks to smartphones these cases are at least better documented.

Just when it feels like there is no hope left for humanity stories like these pop up.

ABC 13 reports the murder of a Houston 18-year-old high school student is the latest killing in a gang war. Delindsey Dwayne Mack, 18, was shot multiple times as he walked down the street near his school during the first lunch period around 12:15 p.m. Mack was with a 15-year-old girl at the time, she […]

When the custodian at Dallas Independent School District’s Frank Guzick Elementary School had an emergency, principal Adreana Davis stepped up to handle the responsibilities.