
Witnesses also claim that Jacksonville's David Swinyar used the "N-word" to describe young African-American men.

Michelle Obama has always been one to share advice and inspire young women.

The NFL doesn’t have the best history of being inclusive of LGBTQ folks. Gay  or bisexual NFL players have waited until they were out of the league to address their sexuality and when Michael Sam went public with his sexual orientation, his football career basically ended. Therefore, it’s problematic to hear some NFL teams are […]

A couple of months ago multiple women came forward to speak out about Harvey Weinstein.

Weeks ago tragedy struck at Stoneman Douglas High School after a gunman open fired and killed staff as well as students.

It’s been alleged that Geek Squad may have been recruited by the FBI to gather evidence for them, a claim that Best Buy has denied. A new EFF report sheds light on new information that indeed shows that Geek Squad has been in cahoots with the FBI and snooping through computers entrusted to them to […]

Today is International Women’s Day! Here are few of our own amazing women who’ve have graced the world with their talents and have inspired so many.