
The California Senator has been struggling with Black voters, will this endorsement help?

A pastor in Florida is thanking God that a robbery didn't turn deadly inside his church.


On Thursday Senator Kamala Harris introduced a key component of her campaign platform as she runs to become the first Black woman president of the United States.


During a post-game press conference, she was asked about what she thought about critics who thought she should take a break from being a celebrity to focus on her craft.


The founder of an African-American Museum in Baton Rouge, LA was found dead in the trunk of a car three miles from her home.

If you ever questioned whether Donald Trump was racist and xenophobic, this is your proof, hands down.

Dr. Latisha "Tisha" Rowe stressed she wants an explanation and a dress code policy that is applied to everyone, regardless of race and shape.


A Georgia mom is rightfully irate after she discovered her daughter’s braid was halfway attached to her scalp once she returned home from daycare.


A Texas-based HBCU is focusing on the mental health of each one of its students so they can thrive academically.