Today's "Hot Spot" report includes Nick Cannon discussing the loss of his son Zen, 'Get Out' getting major recognition and more!

Kanye West‘s tweets that he shared on Wednesday were extraordinarily problematic and honestly pathetic. BUT, during his tweetstorm, he might have inspired Jordan Peele and got us the sequel we so desperately want a bit sooner. Kanye seems to be enjoying his stay in the Sunken Place very well. He even made of light of […]

“Get Out” was one of the highest grossed films last year and received four nominations for this year’s Oscars.

"Get Out," directed by Jordan Peele, was named the best film of the year by the African American Film Critics Association.

Creator of “Get Out,” Jordan Peele has had a lot of success from that movie and is reported to be one of the most profitable this year.

Headkrack rocked the mic solo on this edition of "Flow And Go!"