
Who do you think won the second Presidential debate: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? See the entire debate below and vote in our poll…

Nate Parker discussed the research he had to do in order to write “The Birth Of A Nation,” with the detail and historical accuracy necessary to make the world believable. He explains how he captured the personality of Nat Turner using slave narratives, and talks about why he thought it was important to put an […]

A video posted to Instagram shows the couple walking hand-in-hand from a boardwalk to the beach.

The former Food Network co-host told OWN that she "tried to leave five times" and finally found the strength to move on.

Nate Parker opened up about handling the backlash he has experienced in the midst of press for his historic film, “The Birth Of A Nation,” as the resurfacing of a rape charge from college (of which he was acquitted) ushered in the heavy critical eye of the public. He explains why he kept pushing through, […]

Nate Parker, actor and creator of the controversial film Birth Of A Nation, came through to the studio to talk about the incredible journey of making and getting his movie seen. He explains why, of all the stories, the story of Nat Turner was so important for him to tell. “This is our Braveheart,” he […]

The singer, known for his smooth demeanor, had to be held back from fighting a club owner on Wednesday night.

Ciara and her new husband Russell Wilson became the picture-perfect couple of #relationshipgoals for must of us when they started dating last year. Then, they shocked everyone when they revealed that they would be abstaining from sex until their wedding night. They engaged in March, and after they tied the knot in July, they were […]

Radio One

John Legend’s new song, “Love Me Now,” is a passionate and bittersweet ballad to a loved one, disguised an upbeat tune that makes you want to dance. The R&B crooner dropped the official lyric video, which seems to be a touching ode to all of the different types of love that we experience in life. […]

A new ad targeting Donald Trump contains an appeal to African-American voters by cast members from FOX's hit show Empire.