Trending Topics

In What's Trending we're talking about a Florida bride who laced her reception dinner with weed without them knowing.

The Show

Dr. Collier discusses the overturned mandate that no longer requires mask coverings on planes, trains, and other public transportation. 

The Show

The Rickey Smiley Morning Show discusses if this generation realizes that racism is serious. 

The Show

The Rickey Smiley Morning Show shares their fears now that they're good and grown. 

The Show

In the wake of Will Smith's career coming to a pause, we're sharing work horror stories. 

We had the true honor of speaking with Reverend Wheeler Parker, cousin of the late Emmett Till, to discuss his feelings on the recent passing of a bill that finally recognizes lynching as a hate crime. 

For today's "Trending Topics," we spoke with Detective Chris Anderson about how to avoid a situation like the gun accident in St. Louis that left two young relatives dead in addition to how gun owners can practice safety in their own homes. 

One of the most interesting stories we came across recently is the development of a new birth control pill for men. We decided to bring the conversation to "Trending Topics" today to see what the callers had to say about this potential game-changer for both the fellas and ladies.

We decided to address the DST debate in today's "Trending Topics" report, and even the RSMS crew is split on whether or not we should continue to "spring forward."

In Mississippi, an assistant principal Toby Price was recently fired from reading the children's book "I Need a New Butt!" to his second-grade class.