When Donald Trump won the election, a lot of America was sure that him becoming President would usher in the end of the world. But, according to Special K, his win has actually had some unintended positive effects. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Click on the audio player to hear more in this exclusive clip […]

Just about every day, the news announces another one of Donald Trump‘s picks for president. They are generally disturbing, but Jeff Johnson especially has an issue with Ben Carson‘s cabinet position, which he is just simply beyond unqualified for, moreso for his life experiences than professional ones. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Click on the […]


During a stop in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Friday, Trump thanked African Americans for “coming through for him big league” during the November election.

According to the NYPD, there have been at least 43 bias-related attacks since the election, compared to 20 during the same period of time last year.

In the aftermath of the election, and as the year comes to a close, Jeff Johnson  discusses the importance of focusing on bettering ourselves as we come to another year. Similarly, as Donald Trump prepares to take office next year, what are some of the things we can do to keep our mindsets right in […]

Dr. Collier was hanging out in-studio with The Rickey Smiley Morning Show! He gave some crucial answers to listeners questions about health- both mental and physical, especially in the aftermath of the election. A woman asked what she should do after finding out that the people she works with are actually really racist, and Dr. Collier […]

Now that the election is over and everybody is struggling to accept Hillary Clinton‘s upsetting defeat by Donald Trump, people are looking for someone to blame. Whether it’s those who did not vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary, or the 66% of white women who voted for Trump, the finger-pointing is- quite literally -going […]

When it comes to the White House next year, a lot of things are in the midst of transition. Donald Trump is putting together the team of cabinet members that he’ll be working alongside for the next four years. Already, it has been announced that known White Nationalist and anti-Semite Stephen K. Bannon will be […]

Saturday Night Live had a good night this past weekend when Dave Chappelle hosted for the first time. It also was the night A Tribe Called Quest performed music from their new album. With just those two entertainment acts, millions of people were hyped to tune in. But nobody expected fellow comedy great Chris Rock […]

When Donald Trump‘s controversial presidential campaign resulted in his shocking win, much of the country felt immediately devastated and worried for the future. Just after his win, on CNN, Van Jones communicated what he thought was at the root of some of these sentiments. He expressed his worry at explaining what is widely perceived to […]