Calling himself the "Law and Order" President, Donald Trump enacts the Insurrection Act of 1807.

While America’s attention is rightfully focused on police brutality at the moment, one MC has not forgotten about Donald Trump’s thievery.

President Trump has been warned in times past in using music from artists to inform his political messaging on the campaign trail.


FINALLY, Twitter has taken action against the constant lies that Donald Trump pushes on Twitter daily.


The White House has a long-running tradition of displaying the portrait of past presidents but the former business mogul's assumed dislike of his predecessor might win out.

The House Speaker was a guest on Anderson Cooper's CNN program and warned that the president shouldn't take the unproven drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19 due to his age and weight.

On Mother's Day, President Trump unleash a Twitter tirade, accusing the former president of crimes that he was unable to name.

President Donald Trump's valet has tested positive for coronavirus and the White House staff members will begin testing for the virus.

During his program, Lemon pondered aloud why the former business mogul seems to attack the former president at will.


From the very first day that he announced his candidacy for President of The United States, Donald Trump's blatant racism towards Latinos has been on full display. True to form the white-nationalist driven administration continues to treat the island of Puerto Rico (which is home to 3.7 million American citizens) as if they don't matter.