
Here are some signs you should look out for to determine if the person you are dating is wrong for you.

Disagreements are a normal part of any healthy relationship.

Twitter is often a minefield of nonsensical debates, and a question posed by one man had users on the social media platform debating the finer merits of washing one’s legs in the shower. Amazingly enough, the topic, excuse the pun, has legs and sparked a discussion that we’re not entirely sure lands anyone on a […]

With Mother’s Day around the corner, it’s the ideal time to sit down and think about all of the things your mother has done for you.

Did you know Americans eat more shrimp than any other seafood?

If you’re like us, you celebrate your mother all year round, but make an extra effort to make her feel special on Mother’s Day.

Recently the Zetas have been criticized for saying they will not allow transgender women to join their organization.

Destination weddings can be a huge budget buster for guests who want to be a witness to the union.

The problem isn’t that young adults can’t thrive in the real world; they have for generations.

Cynthia Bailey is opening a wine shop called, ‘The Bailey Wine Cellar soon.