Easter will be here soon…you can tell by all the sweet goodies on display in most stores, bakeries and chocolate shops. All these delectable-looking options…

First the bad news: The percentage of Americans with diabetes has doubled since 1988, with nearly one in 10 adults now diagnosed with the blood-sugar…

You love your family (and yourself) and you want everybody to be healthy. Thankfully, there are many different things you can do to help them…

Is there really a “right” way to have an argument? “Massive, all-out fights are bad for you,” says Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist. “On the other…

Coffee. Joe. Java. Whatever you call it, 54% of Americans drink it everyday. While experts warn that there’s definitely such a thing as too much,…

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), even though the pregnancy rate for teens between 15 and 17 seems to be declining,…

Of all the homegrown, “cure-all” tonics that exist today, apple cider vinegar continues to be one of the most popular ones. But why? While the…

According to the CDC, there has been an increase in the number of cases of nicotine poisoning from e-cigarettes. Disturbingly, 51 percent of calls to…

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) says that consumers shouldn’t just assume that it’s okay to toss all  used/expired medications in the trash or flush…

Many, many, many Americans have a very special relationship with spending money on material things. We need to own certain types of tech gadgets, a…