About Reec


So this weeks episode of “Scandal” started off really well. I enjoyed a lot of the twists and turns and the dialogue didn’t let the characters act as dumb as they have in the past. However the last five minutes undid most of that. I’ll go into more detail here. *WARNING: SPOILER ALERTS BELOW* The Great: […]


It’s upsetting that after such a great episode last week this was the follow up, but maybe that’s why this one seems to be a writing mess. Anyway here we go: The Good: Olivia‘s parents pulling the wool from over her eyes and letting her see exactly what she is to the people in the […]


Wow! I mean WOW! Last night’s episode of “Scandal” perfectly titled “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” was quite possibly the best episode in the entire series. This is just my opinion, but I absolutely loved it. The pacing was perfect, the characters and their motivations made sense for once, and I cared about what happened in […]


So last week I went to my hair salon “Hair Rules” run by my family friend Anthony Dickey to get my hair cut since I hadn’t been there since September, and I was long overdue. I’ve been wearing my hair natural since then, and after many trials and errors, I finally think I’ve found a […]


This Article Contains Spoilers According to the promos that happened before “Scandal” aired last night the episode “Stand In The Sun” was supposed to end with our OMG moment. Last years OMG moment was Fitz getting shot in the head, the year before that didn’t really have 1 OMG moment since it was only 8 […]


Last year I made the decision to watch less television so I would be able to focus on my finals in my last year of college. This was a good decision in the long run since I graduated successfully (for the most part). Then after I went home to California I had a lot of […]


Oh Thank GOD! I made no mystery of my dislike for last weeks episode and I have to say I was dreading watching this weeks, but I was happily surprised. I will admit that the first thing that happens in the episode is hearing Olivia and Fitz yell at each other over the stupid ‘hiring […]

Let’s get this out of the way, there have been far too many senseless murders these past 2 years involving black people. It’s gotten out of control and the government seems to have no interest in protecting their people. As I see videos online of policemen harassing young black men on the street for not […]


I’ve made no mystery of my dislike for this most recent season of “Scandal” in the past and I had hoped that it’s return this past Thursday would be a turning point but unfortunately I found myself wanting to rip my hair out over these characters remaining as stupid as before. However I do want […]


Season three of “Scandal” seems to have taken a major detour from the show’s original blueprint and this wouldn’t be a problem, but unfortunately we can’t say that the detour that they’ve decided to take has made the show any better. We’re hoping that after this hiatus we’ll get back on track and these are […]