About beyoncersms

Beyonce shares info about the coolest baby monitor ever in this Techie Tuesday.

Beyonce reveals that a major new step has been taken in robot development.

Last year, Nintendo announced that it would be releasing a version of its classic NES.

Beyonce has a whole bunch of Techie Tuesday news about new gadgets for moms!

Beyonce reveals some of the cool new technology available for mothers.

Beyonce drops hints about some major techie news to come.

When it comes to the next generation of iPhones, there is already a bit of controversy.

Now that it’s a new year, most of us have adopted that “out with the old, and in with the new” attitude. The tech industry is no exception! The way Beyonce is talking, it looks like 2017 is going to be the year that those futuristic gadgets we used to see in movies are actually […]