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It doesn’t take a seasoned conspiracy theorist to deduce that authorities purposely released footage that made Mike look bad so they could assasinate his character and justify Darren Wilson’s public execution.

Mike Brown’s dad just wants people to know that Mike “wasn’t a bad guy, how bad they actually demonized his name and the family because of what they showed.” Now that the footage is out, he said he’s “happy that the public can see… with their own eyes.”

Many could see the truth when the initial reports of the murder flooded mainstream and social media two years ago; Long before the full security footage leaked and Darren Wilson testified to using the N-word while on patrol. But while Wilson’s honor was protected by the blue wall of silence and journalistic standards that trust the word of the authorities over the citizens, Dorrian Johnson had his eye-witness account dragged through the mud by publications like The Washington Post. It all added up to a narrative that painted Mike Brown as a super predator and Darren Wilson as a vulnerable officer of the law.

Dorrian Johnson was Brown’s best friend and he has always said that Wilson shot Brown in the back even though his hands were up and he was running in the other direction. Johnson’s story lines up almost identically with Wilson’s recently-released testimony, in which he admits to initiating contact with Brown and Johnson and using what most citizens would consider aggressive and excessive force throughout their encounter. Countless other eye-witnesses corroborated the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative, yet Wilson never answered for his crimes, in the public or in the court room.

Like George Zimmerman, the men who murdered Emmett Till and America’s countless renegade culture warriors before him, Wilson will never have to answer for his cold-blooded murder. Like those before him, the government and media have both allowed him to profit from the execution. The only person who will be held accountable for Tamir Rice’s murder is the 911-dispatcher who forgot to mention that 12-year-old had a toy gun when he was shot down by police. But even his eight-day suspension seems like a slap in the face.

This all goes to show that some things really are clear as black and white in America. And some Americans, like Iowa Representative Steve King, have no problem admitting that or their intentions to keep it that way. The rise of #AlternativeFacts and the #AltRight in the era of Donald Trump have proven that the media is just as untrustworthy as the government. But when the clear security camera and cell phone footage of Brown and Rice’s murders aren’t conclusive evidence that something is wrong with America’s process, it’s hard to imagine what would raise a red flag that catches the attention of the patriots who remain blindly loyal to the red, white and blue?

When will the whole 99% realize that they will always have more in common with Rice and Brown than they do with Trump? Their chances of being unnecessarily and unjustly murdered by a government employee is far greater than ever being able to afford a weekend get-away at Mar-A-Lago.

If the truth were news, Donald Trump wouldn’t be able to distract America from its true dysfunctions using Kardashian-style social media stunts and reality show tricks. The real murders of Mike Brown and Tamir Rice would be news above the fictional murder of a clown pretending to be president.

But media isn’t guaranteed to tell the truth any more than politicians are guaranteed to take care of their citizens.

Media can’t report absolute truth because most report to advertisers and industry standards before the people. It’s the same reason politicians answer to rich donors before dying elders.

That’s why it should concern all Americans that the president considers watching Fox News to be a productive work task. Still, no one in his Great America seems to care that he is lifting talking points directly from Fox’s biased airwaves and repeating them at campaign rallies.

So, the same network that hired Stacey Dash and continues to employ Brian Kilmeade and Sean Hannity is programming America’s future. All so we can avoid discussing America’s tragic history. A history that will eventually overwrite Donald Trump’s moral and financial bankruptcies and permanently delete the true stories of the murders of Mike Brown and Tamir Rice.

Sad! But true.


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How The Murders Of Mike Brown & Tamir Rice Should Have Been Reported  was originally published on

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