It's speculated that the interview will focus on FLOTUS's 8-year-impact and her future plans once the Obamas leave the White House on January 20.

Dawn-Lyen Gardner has been a professional actress since the age of 9 years old. She has previously starred in Castle, ER, Luke Cage, and more, but you might recognize her as Charley on Ava DuVernay & Oprah‘s hit show, “Queen Sugar.” She discusses how “revolutionary” the show has been, and how much she enjoys working […]


We take a look at the celebrities who are aging gracefully, and those of who might even look better now!

“I just saw president elect Trump with President Obama in the White House and it gave me hope."

The media mogul and Oscar nominee tells TD Jakes that this nation can choose between a democracy or a demagogue.

POTUS told the crowd, "This national museum helps to tell a richer and fuller story of who we are."

Entertainment News

Oprah Winfrey is the kind of person that you feel like you can bare your soul to and share your secrets, dreams, hopes and fears with, luckily she is also just as open with her millions of fans around the world. One of her biggest and most personal struggles is her weight loss journey, which […]

Entertainment News, Photos

Which celebrities didn’t reach fame until they were older? Find out here.

Entertainment News

The end of an era has finally come. That’s the best way to sum up the reality that Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Studios is officially a distant memory. After 30 years of monumental moments and the foundation for The Oprah Winfrey Show, the iconic building is no more.   If you recall back in December of […]

Oprah Winfrey spent 25 years hosting her top-rated self-titled nationally syndicated talk show, so many questioned her decision to leave daytime television to launch her television network OWN. But with a steady stream of wins and her most recent hit “Greenleaf,” Oprah feels vindicated by those who felt she should have kept her day job. Sign Up […]