
Due to the recent attack by and against the Louisiana police, the Baton Rouge native took to Instagram to reveal what he would do if a police officer ever harassed one of his children.

The GOP's tone-deafness is absolutely mind-boggling; like who approved that?


  The man who shot and killed three police officers and injured three more in Baton Rouge on Sunday morning has now been identified by police as 29-year-old Kansas City native Gavin Long. Long, who decided to carry out the murderous spree on his birthday, was an ex-Marine who has now been tied to an anti-government organization called […]

Over the course of the last week, NewsOne was forced to revisit our gallery that lists the shooting deaths of Black men killed during police encounters, to add the names of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, while also documenting the two-year anniversary of Eric Garner's death.


Several police officers were shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana Sunday morning, the New York Times reports. At least three officers were killed in Sunday’s incident, Mayor Kip Holden confirmed with the Times. Three others were wounded. From the Times: Mr. Holden said reports of an active shooter in the vicinity of the Hammond Aire Plaza on Airline Highway […]


The shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile last week have raised a lot of questions about how these two Black men were killed in cold blood. Well, former police commander Corey Pegues sat down exclusively with Global Grind to try and answer some of them. Pegues, a drug dealer-turned-cop-turned-author, explains exactly what mistakes and […]

The mother of three from Blue Island, just 16 miles outside of Chicago, says she is unsure where we will go as a country from here, but her protest exemplifies the notion that in the fight for social justice and equality, it is deadly to be silent.

Have you ever wondered if your weave hair really comes from India? Or Brazil? Or Mongolia? Or Peru? Well, sorry to break it to you,…

Plus, Donald Trump taps Indiana Governor Mike Pence for the VP slot and Melissa Harris-Perry to join BET News as "Special Correspondent."