Facing 24 years, she's probably missing her old job right about now.

ALASKA-Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol Palin’s boyfriend, Giacinto “Gino” Paoletti, used the n-word and mocked people with down syndrome on Facebook. RELATED: Kathie Griffin calls Bristol Palin “White Precious” Gawker reports: In this one, Paoletti—who, as an Alaskan of Italian heritage, is stupendously white—recontextualizes the painful history of racial terror in this country by bravely appropriating […]

I know the National Enquirer might not carry the same weight as the New York Times. But in terms of political sex scandals they have a good track record. Let’s remember that they broke the John Edwards Affair. They were also one of the media’s main sources for the Clinton/Lewinsky Affair According to The Enquirer, […]